Tuesday, June 28, 2011 Not so lonely now With this autoimmune thing I have going on I really don't like germs. I worked 3 years in a pharmacy and never got so much as a cold. I ...
Friday, June 24, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate But... My health has been testing me. My soul is tired. Through my doctors eyes the unknown future is filled with optimism. My future seems to have...
1:49 AM Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate Aaahhh Poison We all know those unforgettable song lyrics Bret Michaels sang to us way back when ..."its better to have loved and lost, than never to...
Thursday, June 16, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate I'll take a rain check on that insomnia thanks Can't sleep. For real you say? (ok maybe not) But yes. I'm up. Actually I don't care. I find it amusing and refreshing. I'm ...
Monday, June 13, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate Proud mama! In the morning my daughter will leave for school a 2nd grader. A few hours later she will come home a 3rd grader. Such a big change that see...
Sunday, June 12, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate I'm comin out! Ok so I come from a huge family. My mom has 2 brothers (who have passed on) and 4 sisters. My dad has 1 brother (who has passed on) and 3 si...
Saturday, June 11, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate My love My husband and I just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary on February 24. On our wedding day there was no doubt I loved my husband. B...
Friday, June 10, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate Overnight in the hospital So now I have caught you up to three weeks ago. Three weeks ago today actually. I had just had a treatment 2 days before. At this point I ha...
Thursday, June 9, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate My yucky port Again I'm up and I can't sleep so what do I do? I blog! I can't believe how many people have viewed my page or forwarded it on t...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate My veins are my nemesis Once it was discovered that I had this aversion to sticking myself with a needle my doctor took me off the Humira (it wasn't working any...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate Neurology here I come! So now I'm up to August of '09. The Humira injections were still every week. For a few months they were a breeze. The syringes were ...
5:17 AM Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate Always speak up because that brings change So here we are. Regular trips to Boston every few weeks. Thank God I'm only working part time at the pharmacy because the meds are exhau...
Monday, June 6, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate A bit of hope One day, April 2009, I started my drive to Boston to meet a new rheumatologist. I had done my research and he was ranked one of the top in t...
Sunday, June 5, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate So it begins I want my story out there. I know support groups for this are hard to come by. I want to help anyone I can. My story part 1 here goes nothin...
Saturday, June 4, 2011 Rheumatoid arthritis awareness RA swollen joints Orencia methotrexate No Sleep I didn't get to much sleep last night. My mind was racing with things we need to get done before Florida. I'm not sure how it's...