I'll take a rain check on that insomnia thanks

Can't sleep. For real you say? (ok maybe not) But yes. I'm up.

Actually I don't care. I find it amusing and refreshing. I'm not up because of pain, puking, or medication side effects. I'm up because of sheer joy. About damn time I say!

For months Julia and I have had plans to go on an all girls weekend starting the first day of summer vacation. Julia has been kept in the dark about the destination. I told her there will be a clue when we go get our pedicures to kick off our girl time.

Yesterday being the first day of summer vay-kay we went for our pedicures. So relaxing! At the end of the pedicure I had the lady doing Julia's toes put Mickey ears on her big toes. Finally Julia was allowed to see her piggys that we strategically kept hidden the whole time.

DISNEY!! Yes our destination was Disney World. Our plane was leaving in a few hours! At first she was in shock then that was replaced with excitement which included talking almost as fast as an auctioneer.

So tonight I am here. In Disney. The most magical place in the world. My best girl in the bed beside me. Life is good. Now to make some memories and give Julia back some of the mommy time the RA has taken from her.

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