
I'm gonna warn all the men reading this post that I'm gonna talk about "woman" stuff. Don't worry. Nothing gross. You can keep reading.

So we've all seen those commercials for feminine products, women running through fields of flowers, laying by the pools laughing with her friends. We all know that's not reality. Still waiting on the commercial to show a woman doubled over in pain, in sweatpants not tight jeans holding a hot water bottle to her abdomen. There is even a commercial out there that mocks these other ads saying "oh so that's what is supposed to happen".

I found myself saying the same thing while watching commercials for RA. The Celebrex commercial with the guy running on the beach. The Orencia commercial where suddenly you can open jars. The Humira commercial where people are doing Tai Chi. So that's what is supposed to happen. Meanwhile I have been on all of these and I have not tried Tai Chi, or running on the beach without my cane, and I could never go without my handy little grippy thing for my jars.

That is the picture America is painted in regards to RA. If you don't have RA or know someone that does, chances are you've never heard of it. Then you see one of these drug commercials that educates you. Now you know all about RA. No wonder the worlds perception of this disease is skewed. No wonder we get comments like "you don't look sick". Or people suggesting treatments or remedies that they assume you've never heard of. Not understanding the debilitating pain we overcome everyday.

Yesterday I felt like all of us RA peeps were making a difference and getting the awareness out. Today I feel like the drug companies made us take 2 steps back.

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