A look through different eyes

A while back I asked close family and friends to help me out with something.  I wanted to hear from those that have known me for quite some time.  My goal, to see the person I am today versus the person I was when we met through their eyes.  I know maturity, getting married, and having a child have all been factors contributing to the way I am and handle things now.  I also know creating a new normal to accommodate my RA has changed me too.  I have been faced with challenges that I wish on no one. In my mind I have moved many mountains, faced the scariest of demons, and my character has risen above all else.  We all know that just because we think it, it doesn't mean it's the truth. So enter in my loved one's perceptions. As I get the entries I will post.

This is from Bonnie Ouellette.

I have known Brigid Laurito for over 18 years. After we dated each other's boyfriends, we hit it off in high school. I suppose we had a lot to share, laugh, and complain about! Through the years, we've maintained a positive and wonderful relationship- going out to eat, the movies,Tim McGraw concerts and just living life. A few years ago, Brigid was diagnosed with RA and Sjogrens syndrome. I have seen my best friend change for the better (spiritually) and the worst (physically). While I thought she was amazing before she was diagnosed, I have come to realize how genuine, giving, funny, supportive and brilliant she truly is. Her spirit puts me in awe every time I talk to her, read her blog, or checking out her lastest facebook post. She does not let the cane, the pain, the trips to Boston to see her Dr, the constant tiredness or inflammation hinder her mission. She wants to help others with RA cope and learn about the disease. She is a tireless advocate for RA awareness and the absolute need to raise money to find a cure. Brigid takes the time to educate those with RA in regular every day words. She shares her frustrations, her feelings, even her pokes from the nurse to help others cope with the realness of this disease. Her raw emotion, zest for life, and witty communication has helped so many. She is almost at 100 squeekers in her Squeeky Joints facebook group. She truly inspires me; how can someone who faces such an uphill battle every day find such strength to help others?!

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