A look through different eyes III

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Blog post from Peggy Piscopo

Brigid Is My RABF! You All Need To Get One!

I was diagnosed in July with RA, and then I found Brigid a week later;  or should I say she found me.  It was a late late night, and I was looking on FB for support chat groups on RA and she chatted me up.  She says she never ever does that...and I believe her.  We chatted for so long...our hands started to hurt and we ended up talking on the phone until 4am her time.  There hasn't been a day we haven't made some form of contact.  Let me tell you a little bit about her...

She has a great blog... My Rheumatoid Arthritis Journey.  She is a great writer.  How can two people who have never met create so much good for people with RA?  How can two people be so alike?  We think the same!  We created Rheumatoid Arthritis Squeaky Joints on Facebook.  It is a support group with people that RA called Squeaky Joints.  It is closed and private and it is thriving with love, support, and laughter!  If you want to join click the link and we will accept you as a new Squeaker.  We have created such a bond with each other and with our members.  We love them all, and have a deep friendship.  I will finally meet her in May at her Arthritis Walk in CT .  I am really excited to see her.

She had guided me through the dark moments of this diagnosis.  She has been the light at the end of the tunnel.  She gives me the strength to inject myself every week with scary biologics and cancer medications.  I know that we have supported each other a great deal...and will always continue to do so.  I know in my heart and soul I created the timing for Brigid to come into my life.  I know she feels the same way...  our paths finally met.  With Squeaky Joints coming together we are now able to connect others who are in need of friendship.

Squeaky Joints is the name of her Arthritis Walk Team... and so we used that name for our Support Group.  We are in the process of growing it into the place of love, support and understanding it should be.  I just thank my lucky stars and God above..and whomever was responsible for our friendship.  Unfortunately you can't find a Brigid doll at your local retail store.  You can put in some karma pennies and find a doll in your near future.

Brigid I know you will read this ...  Just know I only have a few close friends in my circle whom I feel safe with you..  and you are one of them.  You are family to me.  I always wanted a sister I could have no drama with.. and you are now holding that position.  I love you.

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