Finally...a diagnosis. Now what?

I think the hardest thing for me to hear from someone with RA is that they were just diagnosed. It's because I know. I know how scared they are. I know what's ahead on this journey they are starting. I know that every aspect of their comfortable, familiar world will change. Part of me just wants to sit them down and teach them RA for Dummies, Emotions101, Accounting with no Income, and Medications for Beginners. Hahahaha maybe I should be handing out degrees at the end of it!

All joking aside there is so much information that needs to be taken in. Unfortunately there is quite a bit of misinformation that can get in the way and cloud your judgement. So how do you know what to believe, what to try, what to stay away from?

I think starting off thinking logically and using common sense will go a long way. Many will say change your diet. They swear they started to feel better as soon as they changed their diet. Well of course you will! Anytime you start to eat healthier you body responds in a positive way and you will feel better RA or not. In the end you will still have RA. Foods do not cure RA, foods do not stop the progression of the disease either. Same rings true for those supplement drinks.

The earlier you start the medications the better. The side effects aren't fun I'm not gonna lie. Educate yourself on the different drug classes and what they will do for the disease. Remember as harsh as these medications are the overall benefits out weigh the risks.

One last thing. Only take medical advice from your doctor. They went to med school. You hired them for a reason. I know once you tell the world you have RA every one's the expert. Everyone has a cure. A remedy that will fix you. Stop and put things in perspective. Would you walk into a restaurant and expect the head chef to know how to fix the transmission on your car?

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