
I have found that no matter how good of a day I have, every night I am reminded that I have a chronic illness. Medications. No way to get around them. They are there waiting for me every night at 10p.m. I didn't realize how I loathed that moment until this past May. For 10 days, every night I took my medications with Peggy. Both of us sitting there at the table, downing our meds. It was soooo nice. It was in a way symbolic of our RA journey. One obstacle we were tackling together.

So I thought I would list the medications I take. Just in case some of you newbies to RA are on any of them and you have any questions. I have listed next to the medication why I am on it also. You can comment below or email me by clicking on the contact me tab above. All are pills unless indicated otherwise.

Cartia ~ blood pressure
Lisinopril ~ blood pressure
Hydrochlorothiazide ~ blood pressure
Amitriptyline ~ fibromyalgia pain
Methotrexate (shot)~ slows the progression of RA
Folic Acid ~ helps with methotrexate side effects
Enbrel (shot)~ relieves RA symptoms
Cymbalta ~ RA pain
Tramadol ~ RA pain
Clonazepam ~ anxiety for when I take the shots
Lidoderm Patches ~ port pain
Minocycline ~ gets rid of the achy flu like feeling
Pantoprazole ~ repairing stomach damage from being on NSAIDs
Prednisone ~ used to get flare under control

So that's all of them. That's what I'm on until further notice.

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