The last of the knee updates (for now)

So last I left off with my knee surgery recovery I had the splints. One for flexion I wore at night and one for extension I wore during the day. All summer. The long hot summer. Splints 24/7. Well I can tell you now it was so worth it. 

As I pushed myself with exercising and physical therapy I could see more mobility everyday. It was minimal but it as there. I think that's the most challenging thing about recoupration. We expect big changes right away and when that doesn't come, well, we are discouraged. 

So here I am at the end of the summer and guess what!?!? I broke the wire in my knee. I heard a pop and went and got an xray and sure enough, (don't worry, that's a good thing) the wire was broken. I went in on Aug 15 and got the wire removed because as you can imagine that didn't feel good poking at the cartilage that was left. It was a 6 minute surgery no joke. It took 2 hours to drive there each way and it took 6 minutes to take the darn thing out. Here's a picture before they took it out.

The next day I was immediately back in therapy and already saw a few degrees more mobility. Since then we've been pushing hardcore to get everything back to normal. I can tell you that as of this past Wed (post op 9 months) I can extend my knee fully and my flexion is at 120 and climbing. 140 is perfect range of motion. I'll be there in no time. 

I had a follow up with Dr. Davis up in Boston this past Tues and he said I am ready for knee number 2! It's funny because I have been limping for a few weeks and I've been frustrated with some new swelling that has occured (post op knee). I had also noticed that the right knee that hasn't been fixed yet was also causing some pain. Dr. Davis gave me a Synvisc and a cortisone shot to give me some releif until surgery. I can't beleive it! no limping. I was in so much pain on the right that I was over using the good knee. The one I had fixed. Since the shot I can walk normal. 

I just got the phone call that my surgery will be next Thurs Oct 31! OMG I'm super excited. That means by the summer I can swim, ride my bike, dance, have fun on vacation at the Jersey Shore. This is the begining of a new life and I can't wait to embrace it. I've been through the worst of it. I know what not to do to mess up my therapy. I am amped up and ready to go! Wish me luck!

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