Sitting on the other side

Today I made a simple phone call that ended up being pretty hard. 19 years ago one of my best friends and I drove a half hour down to West Haven, CT. We drove to a bone marrow drive that was free to get tested and get put on the National Registry. Since then I prided myself that I was going to save someone someday and make a difference. At the time I did not weigh enough to give blood. Damn I miss those skinny minnie days! 

Today I was watching MTVs True Life and there was a man on there that needed a bone marrow transplant. I thought "hmmm can I still donate with my RA?". I looked up the medical guidelines and guess what? I can't. 

So I pick up the phone and I get Matt. I tell him I need to be removed from the list and why. He said we don't actually remove you. We just change the status of your profile in the off chance you will need us as a patient. 

Need them as a patient?  Whoa!  I don't like being on this side of things. Well then again who does? Standard procedure for Matt. For me this is MY life. Rant over.

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