Anti-inflammatory Herbs for Arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis

Symptoms and Causes of Arthritis


Please note that rheumatoid arthritis is only one type of arthritis there are over 100 different types of arthritis and the depilating symptoms can be:
  • pain and or warmth around a joint
  • redness of the skin and or reduced ability to move the joint, and
  • stiffness or swelling of one or more joints
Causes of this joint inflammation may occur for numerous reasons including:
  • general “wear and tear” on specific joints
  • a broken bone and or serious injury to the joints
  • an autoimmune disease in which the immune system tricks the body into believing there a foreign body part and attacks the joints in that location, or
  • infection which can be caused by viruses or bacteria
The type of treatment one receives is determined by the cause of the arthritis, the severity, which joints are affected and how the condition affects your daily activities. Your doctor should take into consideration your age and occupation as well.

Natural Arthritis Herbal Remedies and Foods

White willow or Willow bark

The ancient Egyptians used white willow for inflammation. The white willow tree is a native to Europe and Asia. This arthritis herbal remedy can be used instead of ibuprofen or aspirin because it does not appear to be an irritant to the stomach lining.
Salix alba


Cherries can be found in America, Europe, and Asia. The University of Michigan researchers have performed a recent study that has revealed that a cherry-enriched diet reduced inflammation markers in animals by up to 50 percent. Other studies have indicated that the anthocyanins in cherries may be beneficial for arthritis, including a range of other inflammatory-related conditions.


The rhizomes of the turmeric plant are boiled for several hours and then dried in hot ovens, and then are ground into a deep orange-yellow powder commonly used as a spice in curries and other South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine.  It is said to stimulate blood circulation, solves blood clot, is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent that relieves pain. Curcumin is an active ingredient that has an earthy, bitter, peppery flavor and a mustardy smell.
Zingiberaceae -Circuminoid


This underground stem or knobby rhizome has been grown in Asia, India, and Arabia since ancient times. It is known to aid digestion, treat an upset stomach, and nausea for more than 2000 years. In recent years it has been found to reduce inflammation.  In a study of 261 people with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, when the ginger extract was used twice a participants experienced less pain and required fewer pain-killing medications.
Zingiber officinale

Devil’s Claw

This herb comes from the southern portion of Africa. The active ingredients are believed to be iridoid glycosides called harpagosides found within the secondary root. TheRheumatology journal published a study that compared devil’s claw extract to the anti-inflammatory prescription drug Vioxx (now off the market, but one of the drugs my dad was on for years). Within six weeks the devil’s claw was deemed as effective as the Vioxx for reducing pain and it also appears to work in the same manner as the Cox-2 anti-inflammatory drugs such as Celebrex (another one of the drugs that my dad took for years).
Harpagophytum procumbens


Comfrey cream – Comfrey is an herb with a plant origin in Asia and Europe. It is a perennial with oblong dark green leaves that is full of vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll acts as a catalyst, to promote healing within the body and is a valuable blood purifier. Comfrey cream has been taken off the market as an oral supplement however; it can be used as a topical cream containing comfrey extracts.
Symphytum officinale L

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