Good news, bad news

Bad news: Orencia infusion today
Good news: didn't need my anxiety meds before and my blood pressure was low right before she stuck me with the needle

Bad news: got blood on my shirt
Good news: that was because only one stick and the needle went into my port 1st time and had great blood return!

Bad news: I had to sit there for 2 1/2 hours.
Good news: I got my favorite place in the corner. I swear the chair is made of coach leather it's so soft.

Bad news: I feel like I was hit by a truck, exhausted, nauseous, achy (never reacted like this in the 1 1/2 years I've been taking this).
Good news: Maybe the medicine is finally messing with my cells and it's working and that's why I feel like this.

Bad news: I probably will be in bed all day tomorrow. (hmm maybe that's good)
Good news: Beverly Hills 90210 marathon in pj's

Ok I'm falling asleep. I'll write a bigger entry tomorrow.

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