My RA Family

For 2 years I have been searching for a support group in the area for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I searched Google, I called my Arthritis Foundation contact at our local chapter, and I've networked at several hospitals and doctors offices. I came up with nothing. The woman from the Arthritis Foundation told me I could just go to board meetings because most every one there has RA so that might make me feel better. Yeah she was for real. Finally I gave up.

I have been using Facebook as a tool to keep connected with friends. Having this disease you feel very isolated. You feel no one understands. You feel bad you can't see loved ones and friends like you used to because you are just to dang tired and sore. Not knowing day to day how you feel doesn't help in solidifying plans either. Most of the time you end up rescheduling. With one click of the mouse I can keep up with everyone and I love it.

I never got into the games or allowed applications or groups access to my information. I was a little paranoid having a young daughter. I wanted only the friends I decided to have in my life to view my profile and page. (yeah yeah and here I am blogging to the world I know)

A few weeks ago it occurred to me that there were probably other people with RA out in Facebook land. And gosh darn it there were! (yep I just used that phrase and I owned it!) I came across several groups. All welcoming and supportive. People asking questions, giving answers, feedback, lending a supportive ear to everyone. I feel amazing and lucky to have these new people in my life. People I don't know across the world praying and pulling for each other. It warms my heart. I know if I have a bad day I can log on and just read people's posts and know I'm not alone in this. Thank you to all the group creators. I look forward to getting to know you better.

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