Not so scary now

Not so scary now

I came to a realization today so humor me if you will. We are programed from a young age to know that life isn't always laughter and gum...
Why can't I pay in cash?

Why can't I pay in cash?

I had such a great weekend! On Friday night my daughter went to the sitter's overnight and my husband and I went out to meet some friend...
Who needs enemies?

Who needs enemies?

Today I went to my new primary doctor which is actually my old primary doctor but I switched doctors to someone closer when I got married. Y...
2 new doctors (well kind of)

2 new doctors (well kind of)

I'm switching my primary doctor tomorrow. After some going back and forth I'm pulling the plug. I had originally gone to a doctor ou...
Busy as a Bee!

Busy as a Bee!

I'm up and I can't sleep. Busy, busy, busy week ahead and a lot on my mind. MONDAY ~ Julia has dress rehearsal for Bye Bye Birdie. J...
