2 new doctors (well kind of)

I'm switching my primary doctor tomorrow. After some going back and forth I'm pulling the plug. I had originally gone to a doctor out in Manchester since I was 15, Dr. C. When I got married 10 years ago it was just easier to go to my husband's doctor, Dr. S, who was right down the street. The Manchester doctor was about 20 minutes from me. After getting sick I really didn't need my primary doctor but 2 or 3 times a year because everything was done through my rheumatologist.

Over the years I have noticed that my current doctor, Dr. S, has been getting lazy or old or both. I could go in and say my ear hurts and he will say "well it could or it couldn't be an ear infection". WTF!?! It was almost as if he was afraid he would get sued if he diagnosed someone. Hahahaha he didn't even wanna touch the topic of RA, thank God I figured that out! I've basically kept him around for the occasional cold and need of a prescription refill.

Dr. S had an awesome assistant that retired a month ago. The young, inexperienced, bitchy, snob, of a replacement I can do without. I had my pharmacy call Dr. S for a prescription refill 3 weeks ago. Dumb assistant girl sent the script back with no DEA # (the doctors license #) and that is a law in the state of CT. The pharmacy tried to contact her several times and she ignored them. I called her and talked to her and she gave me every excuse in the book. She even used the "well I just got married so I was away last month". WHAT?!? So she finally sends the script in and the DEA # is on it but she forgets the doctors signature! Uuuuggghhh! So here I am, on Friday, in the waiting room while my dad was having open heart surgery, calling the doctor, calling the pharmacy. I have 3 doses of my medication left and with all that was going on I didn't need to be stressing about my meds. Finally today the pharmacy received a valid script. Now I just have to wait for the post office to bring it to me.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with Dr. C to bring her up to speed on my RA and now I can hopefully close the book on incompetent doctors. Well incompetent assistants too.

And yes I did say 2 new doctors in the title. I'm doing to a dermatologist next week. I can't have this youthful look forever but I'm sure as hell gonna try!

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