You have a choice

You have a choice

This time last year was so hard. I was depressed. I had gone through 3 port surgeries in a month because of infections and failed ports. I f...
A look through different eyes III

A look through different eyes III

For those of you that missed my first letter  click here. For those of you that missed my second letter  click here. Blog post from Peggy Pi...

Food preparation and healthy eating with RA

You wake up one day and realise that how you are eating is being controlled by Rheumatoid Arthritis. This is not acceptable but what can you...
It just takes some understanding

It just takes some understanding

As some of you know I have a Facebook support group. This group has been a God send with 171 members and growing.  It's a safe haven. Le...
A look through different eyes II

A look through different eyes II

For those that missed my first letter click here This is from my mother in law Patricia Laurito Hi Brigid, I just want to tell you how proud...


So I worked in a pharmacy for a few years and all the while having this autoimmune disease, I never got sick. (boy that sentence contradicts...


I'm gonna warn all the men reading this post that I'm gonna talk about "woman" stuff. Don't worry. Nothing gross. You ...
Not so scary now

Not so scary now

I came to a realization today so humor me if you will. We are programed from a young age to know that life isn't always laughter and gum...
Why can't I pay in cash?

Why can't I pay in cash?

I had such a great weekend! On Friday night my daughter went to the sitter's overnight and my husband and I went out to meet some friend...
